Privacy Policy
Privacy policy
Welcome to our privacy page! This part of the site explains about how we handle your personal information. We guarantee that any information you give to us, is safe.
The ‘owner’ of this website is referred to as LocalPokies and ‘customers’ is referred to as visitors, subscribers, and users of our site.
How we use your information?
The information you provide will be used to complete administrative functions of the services. The administrative functions include billing statement, contracts and marketing.
We may use your information to advertise on the media or our syndication partner for the purpose of advertisement.
We also use your personal data to improve our services that you may be interested in.
LocalPokies may give your personal information to other providers that can help us to improve our services to you. We share our database for marketing purposes with the requirement for the third party to disclose your information with this policy.
We may also share your personal information with other affiliates and they will disclose your information with their privacy policy.
To make our website accessible for everyone, we collect other information from your computer that can improve our website to work better on your device. These are the types of data we collect from you
- The operating system of your computer
- Your IP address
- Your internet service provider
- etc
These data can be used to enhance our website performance and improve our service to you.
Your personal information is secured
Please rest assured that all of your personal data is safe with us. Our efforts to secure your personal information are proven by the use of privacy policy, security and law policy to restrict unwanted interference. We also use firewalls to secure our database.
You can access your personal information we have about you. You can simply contact our officer to retrieve your data.
Bear in mind that the information you post on boards, forums, and reviews will be visible for public view. However, we do protect your privacy by moderate each comment.
Please remember to logout and close your browser accordingly after you use the site to avoid other people using your personal data. You are the sole individual who responsible for the security of your access in the computer.
You are responsible for the information you post in public forums. The secrecy of your data will be your full responsibility.
Most Visited Pubs
- Royal Hotel - darlington, NSW
- Commercial Hotel - cowell, SA
- Railway Hotel - prahran, VIC
- Albion Hotel - parramatta, NSW
- Royal Oak Hotel - double bay, NSW
- CBD Cafe Bar - Rydges Hotel Southbank - south brisbane, QLD
- Grand Hotel - wooroolin, QLD
- Victoria Hotel - o'halloran hill, SA
- Empire Hotel - kilburn, SA
- Prince of Wales Hotel - richmond, VIC
- Criterion Hotel - sydney, NSW
- New Deli Snack Bar - prospect, SA
- The Back Page Sports Bar & Grill - carrara, QLD
- Royal Mail Hotel - dunkeld, VIC
- Churchills Sports Bar - kingsford, NSW